Performance and Career Management

Career Development Plan Part III

Performance and Career Management

Alison Rogers


Capital Managerial
October 4, 2010
Wade Larson

Career Development Plan Part III, Performance and Career Management

The purpose of performance appraisals is to provide both management and employee feedback on employee’s work performance in a constructive manner.   Located at the end of this report is a generalized appraisal form that can be specialized to a particular department/position.
Once the appraisal is completed by manager, a face to face private conference is recommended for review of the findings.
During this review the manager should present the findings in a factual, nonthreatening manner to help ensure continued cooperation from the employee (and also to avoid any hard feeling and distrust).   It is difficult to assist someone once they feel attacked because that person   becomes defensive and less   receptive and responsive to suggestions and ideas for improvement.
Ideally feedback should be given to an employee verbally and in written form throughout the course of the employee's career   for multiple reasons from encouragement to constructive criticisms   Feedback offered to the employee during the appraisal should be both written and oral (offering explanation and/or clarification as needed).   Once the employee have received their feedback a reasonable amount of time is to be given for that employee to make adjustments and implement and new strategies for improvement before a follow-up review is conducted.   What determines a “reasonable amount of time” is the type of improvement that is being performed.   For an example, the   employee may need to wait for computer programs to be updated or a new software installed.
There are several ways that a manager can assist the employee to reach a higher level of performance.   The most common yet over looked is to follow through with assistance as needed.   Examples are updating programs,...