
* Racist, anti-social and cult groups use modern technologies to preach and spread what they are and what they stand for, leaving children and young people very venerable to becoming part of their activity which is unhealthy, unsafe and often illegal.

  * Children and young people are very venerable to predators of all natures using the internet and other technologies ,by the encouragement of giving out personal information about themselves and others close to them, which will put not only themselves but others around them at risk, the possible risks include identity theft, fraud, burglary assault and abduction.

  * Social networking can be responsible for all of the above mentioned, children and young people can put themselves at risk by stating personal information, uploading photographs of themselves and stating where, when and what time they will be on particular days. Describe the risks and possible consequences for children and young people using the internet, mobile phones and other technologies.

  * Exposure to inappropriate material which could be pornographic, violent or racist- this can encourage illegal or dangerous behavior and activities.

  * There is a risk of physical danger, pedophiles use technologies as a tool which they use as opportunities to pose as whoever they wish and they then develop friendships/relationships with children and young people which can progress into sexual activity.

  * Children and young people are at risk of bullying when using the internet, mobile phone and other technologies as it provides an anonymous method of bullying by way of text messages and emails which can be emotionally damaging to a child or young person.

Thank you!!

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