At the end of the novel, Gormenghast Titus finally is free to ride away from the castle and life that had been forced upon him. But once he leaves and discovers new lands he has trouble finding a sense of identity and belonging.
‘How was it that they were so self-sufficient, those women in their cars, or Muzzlehatch with his zoo - Having no knowledge of Gormenghast, which was of course the heart of everything’ Even though Titus wanted no part in the castle when he was there he now suddenly felt as if Gormenghast was the heart of everything. This highlights the need that humans have to have links to their childhood and family.
He travels strange lands and is described as having always ‘a general air of detachment ... His love was always elsewhere’ “... I don’t belong. All I want is the smell of home, and the breath of the castle in my lungs. Give me some proof of me!”’. Titus is dependent upon the strength of his background to affirm his identity and his sense of belonging.
Titus’s ran away in order to avoid his fathers fate in which his identity was forcefully defined for him and he was chained to the Gormenghast tradition, he was told where to belong but never really did. Titus does not fit in, he does not belong. Titus is the foreign Earl of a realm which nobody has heard of.
By evading inclusive categorisation and resisting a predictability of definition, Titus avoids being told what he is. Titus’ failure to belong to familiar systems of signs and categories is incidental, by virtue of his foreignness. Titus reaches a point at the end of the trilogy where ‘He no longer had any need for home, for he carried his Gormenghast within him’. He no longer relied on all that Gormenghast represented in order for him to belong as he discovers who he is.
Novel: Titus Groan
In the novel Titus Groan, Fuchsia, the daughter and eldest child of the Earl and Countess of Groan, is born into a life in which she does not fit. She longs...