Belonging; Related Text Young Samurai.

The choice to belong or not belong may vary from one person to another. Our sense of belonging can only be achieved when we know who we are and where we are situated in our society. A sense of belong is forged when a person finds a connection between, places, people and the larger world. By refusing or not acknowledging the ideology and lifestyle of the society you live in, it would be difficult for you to achieve a sense of belonging. This difficulty is largely seen in Arthur Miller's 1953 play The Crucible and Young samurai 2008 by Chris Branford.
Miller's play The Crucible desired to show the effect of mass hysteria on any given group this was used to give comment of the current situation of hatred towards communist, a metaphorical witch-hunt in comparison to a literal witch-hunt. The Salem witch trials are used to symbolise the hysteria of the 1950's in USA, The Crucible.
Chris Bradford's book Young Samurai shows differences in society in 1675 Japan. The differences includes religion, language, racial identity, status and tradition. “In order to know your enemy, you must become your enemy.” was said by a Japanese samurai warrior towards to the 'Gaijin Samurai' (Foreigner Samurai) who is the main protagonist in Chris Brandford's Young Samurai. This demonstrate the need to adapt to a whole new different society in order to survive the current situation that he is in. Brandford uses repetition to imprint on the reader's mind that the main protagonist will always be a 'Gaijin' emphasising this by employing in italic form. This shows the racial difference and how society chooses to not allow the main protagonist to feel welcome into Japan.
In Miller's play The Crucible, John Procter is an example of person who does not choose to conform in Salem's theocracy. Procter no longer goes to church nor associates with the residents who reside in Salam. He stays at his farm where he can isolate himself from Salem's madness, in this way he chooses not to belong to...