Unit 401 Planning to Meet the Needs of Learners in Education and Training

(a) Analyse your role & use of initial and diagnostic assessment in agreeing individual learning goals with learners (ref. 1.1)

Initial assessment takes place when all learners start a new course.  At this stage it is imperative for the trainer to check that the learner is on the correct course or programme and can be supported during the course or programme with any specific learning needs they have. It is a method of attaining learners’ previous knowledge on the topic / subject being studied.
Diagnostic assessment occurs after initial assessment to identify the learner’s strengths and weaknesses.  It also helps to determine what goals and targets the learner is capable of achieving. These diagnostic tests can highlight key areas the learner may need extra support with such as help with Maths, English or ICT. The learners’ strengths and weaknesses that are identified can then play a crucial part in the development of their knowledge and skills. Throughout these processes equality and diversity ensures each learner has an opportunity in succeeding in this area. At this stage developing individual learning plans and goals can commence. 
Agreeing learning goals with learners in the form of individual lesson plans or SMART objectives ensures the learners continue to develop and maintain continual progress. SMART objectives are manageable goals for the learner to achieve in a given timescale, giving the learner a sense of achievement and allowing for self and peer assessment. Trainers should continually encourage and support the learners and provide help and guidance where need. By setting individual learning goals and achievements the learners can progress and develop at their own pace.

(b) Explain how your own planning meets the individual needs of learners (ref. 2.3)

It is important that my lesson plans, learning objectives and schemes of work meet the needs of all learners, as a trainer I am required to recognise that all learners have a varied...