Understanding Management

Sheet 1
Matt Drew   B8694174   Y159   TMA01
Task 1 Part A -

‘ Even in our leisure time, we are all “managers” now.’
PLANNING – I have planned my team selection for Saturday’s football match.
In section 2.4 Henri Fayol refers to ‘planning’ as one of the management processes. Looking ahead, assessing the future and making provision of it. Block 2, page 21.
ORGANISING – I have organised the collection of the minibus from the local hire company to ensure the team has appropriate transport to travel to the destination of our football match.
In section 2.4 Henri Fayol refers to organising as one of the management processes. This allows planned activities to be carried out. Block 2, page 21.
INFORMATIONAL ACTIVITY – I have ‘monitored’ the performance of my assistant manager ensuring his tasks have been completed correctly.
In section 2.4 Professor Henry Mintzberg divided the manager’s job into 10 different roles of which he then clustered into 3 main groups of activity. Block 3, page’s 22 and 23. Within this activity the manager monitor’s the performance of the staff.
INTERPERSONAL ACTIVITY – By being the manager I have given my team’s players and staff a ‘figurehead’ as well as providing a main point of contact to the referee’s for the actual football match.
In section 2.4 Professor Henry Mintzberg divided the manager’s job into 10 different roles of which he then clustered into 3 main groups of activity. Block 3, page’s 22 and 23.   Within this activity the manager acts as a figurehead who in turn represents the organisation.
COORDINATING – By ‘coordinating’ my team I have ensured all the delegated duties have been issued to the correct individuals and fully understood by those responsible for each task.
In section 2.4 Henri Fayol refers to coordinating as one of the management processes. This provides direction to staff and resources to which they are responsible for. Block 2, page 21

Sheet 2
Matt Drew   B8694174   Y159   TMA01
Task 1...