Tma 01 Dd131

TMA 01

Drawing on what you have learned from the Making Social Lives DVD and Learning Companion 1, outline how material things favour the activities of some groups of people over others on a street that you know.

For my assignment I am going to be comparing City Road to a street local to myself called Cemetery Road. It is a main road through the centre of Hemingfield, a small village in South Yorkshire. I will be looking at the roads, the shops and the recreational area. I aim to explain how each item can be seen differently at different times, how this can effect social groups and look at the differences between rural and urban areas.  
The first item I will be looking at is the roads and the traffic safety measures for both areas. When compared City Road and Cemetery Road have the same basics in place. Both roads are maintained to an acceptable standard so they can be used by drivers safely. When looked at in more detail there are some obvious differences, for example all the safety measures we see in City Road are not in place on Cemetery Road. There is a primary school on an adjacent street which causes a lot of traffic around school opening and closing time. There are no pedestrian crossings on Cemetery Road. Obviously this is not a problem for young and able bodied people, however at school time parents using prams and pushchairs often find it difficult to cross. As this is a rural and residential area there are no bollards on the street to stop cars from parking on the pavement which again causes issues for parents. This same issues are present on City Road “The bad points is, you know, crossing over the road um there’s cars everywhere and some people don’t stop, some people don’t move or anything like that.” (‘Ordered lives’, 2009, scene 4)
Secondly there are many shops on Cemetery Road from a hairdressers to a tattoo parlour. Similar to City Road they are used by a number of different groups of people. One thing that I find links the shops on...