The 1920s: New Life-Changing Technology in the United States

The 1920s was a revolutionary time where new inventions came into place to help improve and change the daily lives of American citizens. The automobile, the radio, and electricity were key inventions in the 1920s that helped spark the improvement of the daily lives of the people living in the United States. As the automobile helped create and broaden the expansion of transportation, the radio helped with the expansion of communication. Meanwhile, electricity helped supply a newest form of energy to help light up lamps and other products and inventions that required electricity to work; without Americans needing to depend on oil and coal, products that were former energy sources. Truly, the 1920s, with the invention of the automobile, the radio, and electricity helped forever change the way Americans lived their lives.

    The automobile changed the United States immensely, as seen in today, the change is clearly evident on how it helped changed Americans daily lives. It allowed Americans to change landscapes into paved roads for the automobiles and citizens to walk on and it helped citizens go out in all types of weather. Also, because of the automobile, architect styles changed and houses now had integrated garages, carports and driveways, resulting in smaller lawns. The automobile also helped spark the rapid construction of gasoline stations, repair shops, public garages, motels, tourist camps and shopping centers; helping create new jobs in America. As a result, the Holland Tunnel was also created; it was a highway tunnel under the Hudson River that helped connect the island of Manhattan in New York City with Jersey City. Now allowing citizens to drive through the tunnel with their automobiles, instead of having to take a boat and pay more money to go across each city. It was also less time consuming and the car helped Americans save time, so they could enjoy to do many more leisure activities. In addition to creating new jobs for American residents and help...