Team Personality Traits

Team Personality Traits

Team Personality Traits
As we had the chance to be involved or take an assessment in the Big Five Personality Test, we had learn little bit more about ourselves and why we act the way we act. The test give us a reference point of our personality, but when it seems to be accurate sometime and depending on the individual it might give the incorrect results. When a test is administrated to and individual, he or she tend to answer to the best of it knowledge at that point of time, maybe to get a better or accurate result, the individual should take the same test at least 3 times in a different time period and then compare the answers to have a better target of he or her score.
Question like “are you a talkative person” sometime will give the person taking the test different answer depending on his personal mood at that time; the person may “agreed” today if that question is asked but tomorrow may say he is “slightly agreed” in the same answer. That is why it is better to take the same test at least 3 times for a better understanding of our personality traits.
The five factor covers by the test are Extraversion, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, Agreeableness and Openness. The test consisted in 50 simple question of personal behavior and the range of answers goes from Agree, slightly agree, neutral, slightly disagree, and disagree.
By definition, Extraversion are people that like to interact with different individual, they get a satisfaction for being with other people.   Conscientiousness trait reflects the individual on how orderly an careful people are, it tells if the person is hard working and somehow reliable, they tend to be workaholics but I personally don’t agree in it totality, as I scored really high in this section, I don’t consider myself to be a workaholic type at all but more as hard worker. Another factor or trait is the Neuroticism which bring out or emphasize in the negative of the human being, while the Agreeableness is...