Support Individuals to Live at Home (Hsc 3022)

Support individuals to live at home
(HSC 3022)

Essential standards for quality and safety
Compliance Criteria

There is a new law about regulating health and adult social care in England. It replaces the National minimum standards. From 1 October 2010, every health and adult social care service in England is legally responsible for making sure it meets new essential standards of quality and safety. Providers must show they are meeting essential standards as part of a new registration system which focuses on people rather than policies, on outcomes rather than systems. The essential standards relate to important aspects of care such as involvement and information for people, personalised care and treatment, safety and safeguarding. The CQC will continuously monitor compliance with essential standards as part of a more dynamic, responsive, robust system of regulation accompanied by new enforcement powers. Below are the standards an individual can expect from their care provider. These essential standards must be followed when formulating a care package for an individual. By referring to these essential standards it will help you to answer the questions in this unit. Below are the standards and the expectations an individual can have when a care package is being put together.
The essential standards
1. You can expect to be involved and told what’s happening at every stage of your care
  * You will always be involved in discussions about your care and treatment, and your privacy and dignity will be respected by all staff.
  * You will be given opportunities, encouragement and support to promote your independence.
  * You will be able to agree or reject any type of examination, care, treatment or support before you receive it.
2. You can expect care, treatment and support that meets your needs
  * Your personal needs will be assessed to make sure you get care that is safe and supports your rights.
  * You will get the food and drink you need to meet...