Ptlls Reveiw Own Roles and Responsibilities in Identifiying and Meeting the Needs of the Learner

008:1.4 Review own role and responsibilities in identifying and meeting the needs of learners

The role of teacher

The teachers probably have the most challenging role as they have to communicate and enforce the behaviour management policy on a daily basis.

Their role in the learning environment is to:
• Follow and apply guidelines consistently.
• Encourage pupils to achieve their potential by giving praise and recognition in line with school policy.
• Promote good standards of behaviour set out in the list of rules and routines.
• Promote good working relationships with pupils.
• Support colleagues in applying the range of behaviour management approaches provided.

Roles and responsibilities are boundaries that are set in order to divide the line between student and teacher. Roles and Responsibilities are important because they would facilitate order in an organisation and allow personal and organisational course objectives to be met. We as teachers/trainers with Roles will be accountable our actions. Actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group are referred to as "Roles" while the obligations to carry forward an assigned task to a successful conclusion are referred to as "Responsibilities." Learning institutions are subject to legislation and codes of practise. Current legislative, such as Disability Discrimination Act, Special Education Needs, and Equal Opportunities. I have responsibilities as a teacher/trainer to undertake Continued Professional Development and I must also update my subject knowledge under the requirements of RLSS and IQL. I must have an understand of my roles and responsibilities under the codes of practise of the RLSS and IQL.
There are boundaries within professional disciplines. Teachers/trainers are not supposed to borrow money from students, neither are they allowed to lend money to students. It would be unprofessional for a teacher to be found in such a situation. Teachers are also...