008 Roles and Responsibilities

Roles, responsibilities and relationships in lifelong learning

Introduction- apply relevance to HE
Define roles/respons/relationships and   attack the question
Describe/ explain features
Analyse and use examples from my subject area.
Explain/discuss the point good/bad (include legislaion)
Conclusion attack the question


“Teaching is about helping someone reach their potential, whether this is for personal or professional reasons. Therefore you have the opportunity to help make a difference to someone’s life and career.” (Gravells 2012)
In lifelong learning teachers work with mature students who have chosen to   study, therefore the expectations, roles and relationships are different to those teaching in compulsory education. It is therefore the teachers duty to be aware of their professional roles, responsibilities and relationships.
A Role can be defined as an individual’s function, particularly within a specific situation or status in society, that often dictates how a person should behave.
A Responsibility can be defined as having an obligation to carry out a duty as part of a job, role, moral or legislation.
A Relationship can be defined
The principal purpose of having roles and responsibilities in lifelong learning is to protect teachers and learners. Due to the difference in age and group dynamics it is important that teachers still uphold their professional standards and boundaries whether working in a formal or informal setting.
For the purposes of this assignment roles and responsibilities will be used interchangeably.


A role that any teacher in the lifelong learning sector will have to adopt is that of the information provider.   Traditionally teachers are responsible for passing on information and knowledge to their students in the form of lessons, lectures, seminars and tutorials.   Its is the teachers responsibility to obtain and deliver the information in an accessible, relevant and...