Myers Briggs Entp

The personality type that this Myers-Briggs test gave was ENTP.   According to the Type Description presented on WebCt, ENTP personality type is a person who is: “Quick, ingenious, good at many things. Stimulating, outspoken and alert. May argue on both sides of the question for fun. Are challenged by new problems but bored by routine. Like to start new projects. Have logical reasons for what they want.”   After looking on the Myers & Briggs Foundations website at the type descriptions it give all the same as stated above, but adds in: “Resourceful in solving new and challenging problems. Adept at generating conceptual possibilities and then analyzing them strategically. Good at reading other people.” The E in this type is standing for extraversion, which is explaining where it is that my focus is, what my favorite type of world/environment suites me. According to the power point also provided on WebCt, I am focused on the outside world and other people. To add to this, looking at the Myers & Briggs foundations website, extraverts are people who feel comfortable in the world and in groups of people, they have a lot of friends and know many people. The N represents Intuition, according to the WebCt power point this means that I attend to the meanings and patterns presented by memory and association; I have an awareness of possibilities and imagining by way of insight. Meaning that new things interest me and I enjoy thinking something through rather then hands on experience.   Suggesting that I focus on what can be. The T is representing how I judge the information that I receive.   This says that I use logical analysis to make decisions, I seek objectivity and clarity in my options for decision. Putting that into a team perspective I would be a logical decision maker on the team. And lastly the P represents my attitudes toward the world. According to this I am inquiring, absorbing, adapting, changing; I resist closure and want more data.

I can say right off the bat...