Communication & Collaboration

Communication and Collaboration   Paper
Communication and Collaboration will be essential throughout a person’s life.   From their childhood to an adult or using verbal and nonverbal skills.   When creating a strategy for communication and collaboration you must evaluate learning and personality styles. Each individual possess specific characteristics and will have particular interests.   The way your mind processes information is your learning style. Multiple Pathways to Learning-focuses on learning strengths and preferences and is based on Professor Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory.   He defines intelligence as the ability to solve problems or fashion products that are useful in a particular cultural setting or community. His theory focuses on eight intelligences that all people possess. They are: Verbal Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, Bodily-Kinsethetic, Visual-Spatial, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Musical and Naturalistic. Personality assessments can tell people more about themselves. The Personality Spectrum-is based on the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI) helps evaluate how people react to others and different situations. The assessment puts the material into four personality types; Thinker, Organizer, Giver and Adventurer.
Lets take a look at three of the learning styles. First is the Visual-Spatial learners that
learn by using their eyes, by   focusing on facial expressions, gestures and body language. It is also common for them to remain focused on the material being presented.   To effectively   communicate on the part of the Visual-Spatial learner will involve detailed note-taking and making charts, taking photographs, using maps, handouts and other visual aids.

Second would be the   Verbal-Linguistic   learners, who learn primarily through listening.   They are individuals who prefer to thoroughly discuss materials and often pay close attention to the pitch, tone, words and speed of which instructors present their information....