Explore the Way Kelly Presents the Good and Bad in Phil in Dan

Explore the ways kelly presents the good and bad in Phil in DNA

Kelly presents Phil as the strong and silent type in the first Act of the play, he does not say much when he is presented in the field with Leah, in fact he is ‘silent’ as Leah is trying to attract his attention. It can also be argued that Phil bullies her mentally as she is repeatedly trying to gain his support in this scene. His girlfriend is clearly unhappy with how he is treating her even though she does not exactly say so. Leah states that ‘nothing scares’ him, but in contrast she is scared and worried about how much he puts his self in his role. She makes the important point that they ‘need each other’, this is emphasised later in the play when Phil acts completely lost once Leah has left him. This shows that phil   privately cares for her even though he does not show it through out as he is always ignoring her.

In Act 1 Scene 3 it is revealed that the gang comes face-to-face to a situation where Adam, a boy who was keen to be accepted by the gang died and Kelly uses repetition of the word ‘dead’ to signify how worried and panicked they are.  It is clear that all the characters are worried, and John Tate is trying to maintain order, by trying to ban the word ‘dead’ and almost ignoring the situation. He states that by being part of the group they are able to have anything they want, and everyone wants to be them and ‘Isn’t that worth keeping hold of?’ It is interesting during this crisis that Leah reassures and calms the group. Once Phil has heard everything, and is referred to as ‘clever’ he devises a plan to frame a fake postman by collecting a piece of clothing from Adam’s home, and ensuring DNA is planted on the garment. At this point the title’s reference to DNA can be linked to what these gang members are doing in a literal sense; however, it soon becomes clear to the audience that DNA can also refer to the make-up of the group and how the different individuals contribute to a group or...