E100 Tma01

How does attachment theory influence your everyday practice in working with young children and parents?

The attachment theory in my setting has significant influence on how we settle children in to the nursery. Through experience I know how stressful it is for children to separate from their main caregivers, it is also very anxious and difficult time for parents especially if this is the first transition from home to nursery. It’s essential for practitioners to recognise secure, emotional attachment which occurs between parent and children. “An understanding of attachment theory helps us to appreciate what parents and children are grappling with when they are immersed in transition”. Bowlby (1958) Book 2 pg. 18. Our setting is a multicultural setting, with multicultural staff who speaks variety of different languages and brings much cultural expertise and knowledge, this helps us to liaise with caregivers and children in their native language, embracing diverse cultures and catering for their language and communication needs. Promoting enriches cultural display and speaking their native language delivers sense of belonging, DVD on ‘bilingualism’. In the setting we recognise the importance of attachment and bonding between parents and children, we encourage parents/carers to take advantage of our settling in and open door policies, because we want them to be part of this transition and learning journey.

Children become so immune to the affections and security of caregivers that when they are not present they become very distressed.   Mary Ainsworths ‘Strange Situation’ reflects on this behaviour of ‘reunion’ she observed how child has adapted to new environment in comfort of their mother, the child shows no distress when the stranger walks in, but as soon as the mother leaves the child begins to cry. This experiment shows that children feel more secure in the presence of caregivers, and then they are with a stranger. Experiencing a happy early child hood...