Corp Business Communications

Corporate Business Communications

University of Phoenix
COM/285 Business Communications
Sherry Johnson-Metz
Corporate Business Communications
Communication occupies up to 75% of every working day and can occur in verbal and nonverbal means (Fred Pryor, 2010). This paper will cover the role business communication plays in daily work activities and how it affects an individual’s daily activities. This paper will also include trends in communication and the message types that result from these trends.
Communication is considered to be successful when a desired objective is attained. A successful organization uses various means of communication among all coworkers. Regardless of titles, job descriptions, or education, all members of an organization must communicate (Fred Pryor, 2010). Communication has multiple purposes, to inform, to influence, to express ones’ viewpoint and to meet other social expectations. Communication is what unites all departments within an organization. Without good business communication the probability of an organization to have complications and failures is high. When communication is not shared among all the coworkers, then the company infrastructure starts to fail. When there is good, clear communication a stronger relationship between coworkers, subordinates, supervisor, peers, and customers develop. If someone looked closely enough into the communication processes within a corporation, he or she could see unsuccessful communication taking place in multiple areas.
Current trends in business communication are changing at fast rate. The rapid change in technology is a large component for the different media used in corporate communication. Focus on quality and the customers’ needs, entrepreneurship, teamwork, diversity, globalization and outsourcing, legal and ethical concerns, balancing work and family, and job flexibility each individually determine the method of communication used (Locker & Kienzler, 2008)....