Think about your own personal and professional value system. How might they influence how you approach your involvement in politics/health policy?
Values are beliefs that an individual or social group has regarding what is relevant and important to their belief system. Values generally have an emotional attachment. (Porch, 2012) I did not realize until the last two weeks how true this was for me, given my response to the new health care plan. My values have a strong root in my childhood; I suppose that is true for everyone. Growing up I was taught that the value of being honest, being accountable, moral and the importance of taking care of my health as well as the health of others was instilled in me as young child for example, my mom always took me to see my elderly great aunt at her home and then at the nursing home. This taught me to respect and help people. Porche, (2012) describes evolution of a value system to be a continuous process throughout life. My evolution has brought me here. I have spent a good part of my life helping people as a profession, and have always felt fortune to do so. The values listed in porch are all important, however too long to comment on all. In respect to how my values have influenced my involvement in politics and health policy, I guess the fact I have always felt compelled to advocate for those who could not advocate for themselves speaks for itself, for example, in my work as a hospice nurse I went to great lengths to keep my patients pain free. This meant calling doctors for more pain meds to speaking to my supervisors about how to keep patients pain free on a continuous basis. Also, I was politically active before I became a nurse representing the Democratic Party as a delegate. This experience helped me after I become a nurse to assist in making changes in various nursing jobs I have held. It facilitated my having the courage to become more outspoken about the issues I felt needed...