Career Action

Career Action Worksheet 1-3
Practice Dynamic Goal Setting and Positive Actions

Directions: Review and follow the guidelines below for dynamic goal setting. Identify a goal that is important to you, and complete the worksheet on the following pages.

1. Define your goals clearly in writing. Writing down your goals increases your likelihood of achieving them by 80 percent! It increases your sense of commitment, clarifies required steps in the achievement process, and helps you remember important details.

2. Identify and focus on the benefits (to you and others) of achieving goals. This is a strong motivator.

3. Define the purpose of your goals. Link your goals to a practical, specific purpose. To boost your own motivation, base your goals on inspiration, not just logic.

4. Identify your supportive forces. Examples of supportive forces include instructors, books, training, people who encourage you to persevere, skilled coaches or mentors, and printed and online research materials.

5. Develop an action plan, set deadlines, and act. Establish subgoals. Divide each main goal into logical, progressive steps. Set deadlines for completing each step, and complete the steps on time.

6. Establish priorities. Take action in order of priority.

7. Make a public commitment. If appropriate, share your goals with someone who encourages you to go the extra mile. This will increase your sense of responsibility and provide motivation.

8. Be realistic about limitations. Don’t set a short-term goal to get a job requiring more education. Set separate goals to get the education, take an interim job, and then reach the ultimate goal.

9. Use positive self-talk and affirmation statements. Do this every day! Write down your statements, post them prominently, and review them regularly.

10. Use positive visualization. This boosts goal achievement.

11. Practice. Practice new skills regularly. Get additional information, training, coaching, and feedback on your...