Army Solving Process

The Army Problem Solving Process has become the rule of thumb for problem solving and is a methodological approach for making decisions.   Followed correctly, it leads to the “best” decisions given the degree of uncertainty and complexity of a situation.   The Army Problem Solving Process is a tool that provides a standard, systematic method to define and analyze a problem, gather information, develop criteria, generate and analyze possible solutions, choose the best solution and implement an action plan that solves the problem.
The Army Problem Solving Process is rooted on several assumptions: the model is linear in nature, information required to make decisions is readily available, there is an expectation that all options generated can be compared and evaluated, the environment is presumed to be relatively stable/predictable and there is sufficient time to complete the process.   This tool facilitates decision-making, but it is accompanied by a wide range of opportunities for failure in critical thinking that can lead to bad decisions.   Critical thinking can be biased at any level if it diverges from the commander’s idea or generating and evaluating courses of action can lead the Army Problem Solving Process astray in very significant respects.   Frequently, the Army Problem Solving Process is plagued by a lack of analytical depth, faulty assumptions, vague analysis and wishful thinking.
One of the principal flaws with the Army Problem Solving Process is its linear         approach.   The problem with this methodology is that military leaders often apply a linear process to a multi-dimensional issue.   Due to this emphasis, military leaders are generally unwilling to forego a flawed course of action.   Leaders believe in evidence that supports their beliefs.   Typically, “Staffs” fall in love with their plan.   Instead of seeing the cracks in the plan, they will continue to confirm its suitability.   Beliefs become like personal property; they are worth defending even...