Unit 401. Develop and Implement Effective Communication Systems for Health and Safety Information


Unit Aims

  * Evaluating Health and Safety information external to their organisation
  * Communicating relevant Health and Safety information through an effective system within the organisation
  * Making sure that relevant Health and Safety information from their organisation is communicated to statutory and local authorities, relevant groups and individuals

Evaluating Health and Safety information external to their organisation

External sources of Health and Safety information would include the Health and Safety Executive website, IOSH website including member’s forum, professional groups such as LinkedIn and subscription services such as Health and Safety Advisor magazine.
To ensure I am fully up to date with recent legislation or planned changes to legislation I use the HSE website, for professional advice and guidance I use the IOSH members forums and also the LinkedIn H&S group forum. For guidance, legislative changes, training and the latest developments in equipment such as PPE and monitoring devices I use the H&S Advisor magazine which I subscribe to on an annual basis.

Communicating relevant Health and Safety information through an effective system within the organisation

The key to ensuring effective communication of H&S information is to be able to deliver information that is easily understood by the recipient. When I first began my role with my present employer, communication was extremely poor and our workforce had received very little information about risk assessments, general H&S awareness or responsibilities.
To overcome this issue I had to consider what information I wanted to deliver, who my target audience was and how would I evaluate effectiveness? I also had to decide which communication methods would be required, for example written, verbally or visual.
Using this method I set up...