Unit 601 Develop and Implement the Health and Safety Policy

(1.1) Analyse the structure of the organisation relative to health and Safety
Explain how you analyse your organizational structure, to ensure each reporting line reflect the organization at the time.
I analyse the organizational structure relative to health and safety by measuring the safety performance, standards in relation to responsibilities delegated to stakeholders within the structure. I set performance targets for areas such as a reduction in accidents. Managers receive training and information in accident reporting including statutory duties under RIDDOR Reporting of injuries diseases and dangerous occurrence regulations as well as our company’s arrangements. As part of the analysis I investigate the accidents / incidents looking to establish the immediate effect and route cause of the accident / incident. I also analyse the effectiveness of the managers and supervisors in relation to following the company’s reporting systems / procedures ie was the incident reported on time and to the right people, were the correct forms completed.

It is also necessary to comply with clients reporting procedures as this could lead to the loss of contracts  

The findings of the investigation may lead to identifying training needs or the effectiveness of the training and information provided or necessitate disciplinary action to be taken.

(1.2) Advocate the Health and Safety Policy to all key stakeholders in the Organization
Explain how communicate the health and safety policy to your stakeholders/directors. Describe how you communicate the draft copies of new policies from reviews to discuss before implementing.

The Health and Safety policy is communicated to all within the organization by issuing a first draft via email for comment and also presenting it at the company’s safety meetings. This gives an opportunity for first comments to discuss any issues regarding the organisation roles and responsibilities and arrangements within the policy.
