Unit 1 Principles of Communication in Adult Social Care Setting

Unit 1                      

Some of the different reasons that people communicate are :
To express how they are feeling, to tell you what they need, to socialize, to build relationships, to gather information and to comfort or support.

Effective communication affects all aspects of working in adult care as it is needed to, build trust and effective relationships, helps you to understand your clients needs and wishes, it can help to prevent misunderstandings and also help you to build your knowledge base and skills.

It is important to observe a persons reaction when communicating with them so you can observe there non-verbal communication such as body language, facial expressions, gestures and eye contact. Also to know if the information has been heard and understood.

It is important to find out a persons communication and language needs to ensure they are able to express there needs and wishes also what they like and don’t like, also to build a trusting relationship and to help to avoid mistakes.

Some of the different types of communication are:
Verbal, body language, sign language, using pictures or symbols, makaton, Braille, there are also electronic aids such as computers and telephones and also human aids such as interpreters and advocates etc.

Some of the barriers to effective communication include;
Sensory impairment such as hearing or vision problems.
Enviromental factors such as surrounding noise or poor light.
Also things like peoples attitudes, effects or drugs or alcohol, mental health, learning disabilities etc.

Ways in which you can reduce barriers are to use either technological or human aids, speaking clearly and making sure your environment is suitable , checking that you have been understood and minimising distractions.

Ways in which you can check that you have been understood are by observing body language, active and reflective listening, asking questions etc.
