Understanding Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Education and Training

Understanding roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training
A) Why it is important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others.
As a teacher it is important to ensure the environment for learners are safe, happy, acceptable and integrated.
A few examples to ensure that learners and Teacher feel happy and safe:
  Establishing ground rules with learners (negotiable and not negotiable to be set before the course starts. It will be a reminder of what they have agreed from the beginning. e.g. Starting time/break/food/use or not use the mobile phones)
  Encourage good behaviour and respect for others, preventing all forms of bulling or any type of discrimination. To achieve and encourage learning I could create rules and discuss them with the students, explaining the reasons. E.g. it would improve learning process. Also encouraging team work would prevent discrimination and bulling.
  Promote self-discipline and authority among learners, respecting their ideas and previous knowledge. To promote self- discipline, I would have a routine in place for everything, and keep a   daily reports and weekly evaluation. I would ask learners to do a reflection towards how they behave and what they could improve. It is also important to respect their ideas by getting learner to share during the class or maybe promote a discussion among other learners. Also I would not make any difference towards the students who have language problems or financial problems instead I would refer learners to the right department. E.g. finance staff, learning support.
B) Ways to promote equality and value Diversity
As a teacher I have to respect all learner’s characteristics regardless of age, ability and circumstance, and be aware that they have a right to attend and participating in their chosen learning experience regardless of their environmental and social circumstances.
Here are a few examples to identify and promote equality and value diversity....