Understanding Children and Young Persons Development

Level 3 – unit 3
Understanding child and young person development

Age | Physical Development | Communication and intellectual development | Social, emotional and behavioural development |
0 to 3 | This is an age of fast development.   When first born babies have very little control over their bodies and rely on natural reflexes such as sucking and grasping.   At 12 months most babies will have learnt to crawl and some may have learnt to walk although this is usually in their 2nd year.   Also in their 2nd year they will try and dress and feed themselves as well as playing and climbing | At the lower end of this age group adults interact with babies to develop their communication skills and this in turn helps to develop their intelligence.   By the time they are 3 years old they are able to speak beyond 200 words and hold short sentences, e.g. I felled over (negative sentence) Adults will help them to correct this. | For babies and toddlers this is the beginning of the development of their own identity they form strong attachments usually to those closest to them, e.g. parents and/or carers. They also begin to have tantrums due to frustration because they want to try and do things themselves. |
3 to 7 | This age group will be more coordinated and will have developed control over their fine motor skills enabling them to cut, write and draw.   Their confidence will have grown in areas such as running hopping, kicking a ball and climbing larger equipment | As they grow in confidence they interact with others which will help to develop their communication and intelligence.   The more interaction they get the more this develops. E.g. attending nursery and school - they learn to ask question and read. | During these years children develop further, their own identity and learn how to play with friends and socialise.   They will still need boundaries to give them safety and helpful guidance.   At the upper end of this age group children thrive by being given...