
As a teacher you more than aware of the influence both other human beings and the media can have on children’s behaviour.

This report aims to:

Summarise Bandura et al. 1963 experiment   Bobo Doll
Give you a understanding of social learning and where research on this began
Identify what   Bandura’s research has taught us about how children learn aggression

As teachers you know that a child can and often learns through copying others this is know as Social learning


Research began in the 60’s Albert Bandura American psychologist and some colleagues wanted to investigate to what extent a child would imitate aggressive behaviour (Oates, 2012).     The now famous Bobo doll study utilised a life size inflatable clown doll.   This famous experiment is still discussed 50 years on and has heavily influenced how children are taught raised and has shaped some of the government policies in place today.

The experiment was carefully conducted using a total of 96 children sorted in to 4 groups balancing age sex and personality (Oates,2012)

Individually each child was led into room 1, instructed to sit at a table and play with stickers and prints, soon afterwards a adult was brought into the room,   seated at another table with a mallet and and Bobo doll.   The adult played for 10 minutes carrying out a number of aggressive behaviours, throwing the doll punching it hitting it on the head with the mallet, repeating 3 times using words associated to the movement like “Sock Him” or “Pow”.
There was 3 other variations on this first element of the experiment.
Film of the person acting out the same aggressions.
Cartoon character
And person with no aggression
The child was then taken to room 2, containing lots of lovely toys, first they were told they could play with them, it was then announced that they were the best toys and for other children, the researcher informed the child that they would be allowed to play with the toys in the next room.   Room...