Tma 4 B120

Part 1 A

As a modern western society consumption helps define us as shown by McCracken (1990) ‘Without consumer goods, certain acts of self-definition and collective definition in this culture would be impossible.

Consumers’ utilising sports nutrition send a message about themselves. It shows they are dedicated to their own physical and psychological improvement and by using the products they purchase it allows them to push harder than they would have been able to do without. To this end ‘consumption is the way in which it can become a means to help people construct (and communicate) their psychological identity’ (Schaefer 2011).

Communicating consumption ideas is used in social settings such as the work place and groups of friends as suggested by (Schaefer 2011).   This was evident in my own personal circumstance whilst in the Gym and work place many colleagues often talked about their own particular training methods and what supplements they were utilising and how it helped them benefit.   Thus helping them define themselves by the products they used and consumed.

Question 1 Part C
The only ethical situation I can suggest from my analysis is that marketers need to make users of their products aware of long term usage and misuse. This sentiment is backed up by Schaefer (2011) ‘Typically, consumers have less knowledge than producers about products, particularly about the less obvious aspects, such as quality and safety standards or durability.’

It appears that a high number of personnel deployed on Operations take supplements on a regular basis as highlighted in a survey taken by the Journal of the Royal Medical Corps in Afghanistan in 2010 (Web Source 1). It shows that nearly 60% of users purchase supplements’ from the NAAFI again linking the two together. The survey also highlights that users may possibly need to be regulated.

Question 1 Part D
Lessons that could be learnt from the marketing environment described by sports nutrition...