Supporting Learning and Play in Pre-School

Unit 1 – Supporting play and learning in the pre-school setting

“Play is the highest form of Research”,
Albert Einstein, Scientist

P1 – Discuss how play supports children’s learning

Play is an activity which a child can enjoy, explore, express, learn and develop skills, be creative and imaginative with and be challenged with.   Play is not just a break from learning but it’s the way young children learn, from being a baby to toddler to a junior, the child grows and develops skills through different activities including play.   These important skills will help them through out their childhood into their adult life.

From an early age children start to learn that some things roll and some things don’t, some things can be stacked and some can’t.   Different play activities help develop different areas of development, while group play can enhance social and emotional development it may also help build intellectual and language skills.   During role play/imaginary play children dress up and pretend to be in a certain situation this will develop their language, communication and intellectual skills all in one activity.   In my setting the home corner has costumes/dresses of different occupations and cultures, I have seen some of the children dress up in saree’s and trousers and skirts and pretend   they are at a party.   Sometimes they dress up as nurse or fireman and try to act out the role, this shows how much children are aware of the world.   From interacting with each other they are learning about their different cultures and what is the importance of a Fireman or a nurse, they are also increasing there vocabulary by listening to each other and picking up new words.

Children also choose to play by themselves, this gives them the opportunity to explore in-depth and be themselves.

“In their play, children invent the world for themselves and create a place for themselves in it.   They are re-creating their pasts and imagining their futures, while grounding...