Reflective Blog

Reflective Blog
Throughout the course of last week I have attended discussion, during which an article about a certain area of psychology has been discussed and critically reviewed. In the website discussion we first discuss what the article is about and what the question or problem is that the author is dealing with. We looked at what information the author had presented in the article and whether it was good, reliable information based on source, quality and date. The author's assumptions and positions on the topic were examined and the evidence they used. Next we assessed what the author did and how sound their methodology was, what they found and what they reported they found. The conclusions made were identified and whether or not this can be concluded was discussed. Alternative explanations for results were discussed and whether the author had answered their original question. Finally an overall conclusion is made on how reliable the article is and whether it is a useful source of information on this topic. I have learned a lot through many interesting experiment and experiences.
I consider one of my strengths to be that I am very conscientious and always start my work early so that I have enough time to check it thoroughly. I will start a piece of work as soon as I am given the deadline, firstly making rough notes, then more thorough research in different areas like journals from the internet and then planning the essay or report itself. The main problem with this is that it takes a lot of time and effort. Also i concentrate very highly on my work and spend a lot of time perfecting it.
In chapter three, it talks about difference and connection between sensation and perception. Sensation is the stimulation of sensory receptors and the transmission of sensory information, to the central nervous system (the spinal cord or brain). Sensory receptors are located everywhere in the body. Perception is not mechanical. Perception is an active process in which...