Personal Physchology

As individuals we each display a unique behavior. Day in and day out, our behavior is fairly consistent. Then why is it we diverge from our routine behavior when our team is playing. For example, Saturday roles around in Norman and everyone changes into crazed fans with painted beer bellies and foam fingers waving. Whether it is the atmosphere of a college football town, the influence of other people, or the absolute passion for the Oklahoma Sooners, this psychological phenomenon would interest psychologists in many different fields.
From the neuroscience perspective, a psychologist would find it interesting to see whether there is a genetic correlation between these fans and their parents or other ancestors. Are the offspring of overly enthusiastic supporters more likely to be fans themselves?
The belief that behavior is motivated by unconscious inner forces that are uncontrollable is known as the psychodynamic perspective. A psychodynamic psychologist might ask if fans are able to control their outrageous behavior on games day, or if they are so caught up in the hype that they can’t control their actions and emotions.
Do the fans really love the game so much that they will go entirely delirious over a football game? By observing these fan’s actions, a behavioral psychologist may find it interesting to know how other fans and the overall atmosphere can influence an individual.
From a cognitive perspective a fan’s behavior could be interesting to observe because it demonstrates that people want to be a part of something bigger. The vibe that the world gives off tells individuals that they are supposed to be part of a group. Humans process this information, and naturally fall into the category of a fanatical fan if they have any interest in sports at all.
The humanistic perspective suggests that people naturally strive to be their best. A humanistic psychologist may ask if this is the reason people go so crazy over their team. Do these fans want to be as wild...