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Nutritional Considerations
1. Carbohydrate loading saturate muscle with glucose 24-36 hours
2. Tapering decrease training increase carbo loading
3. Diet manipulate and train to increase stores
4. Diet manipulation prolong length of time which they operate at high levels
5. Pre meal low in fat, fibre and protein
6. Dehydration decreases blood volume and performance has an adverse affect on stroke volume, temperature and heart rate
1. Minimise fluid deficit and additional fuel
2. Consume carbo to improve exercise capacity where limited
3. Amount determined by what’s ideal, opportunities and tolerance
4. Dehydration of 2% of body weight detrimental
i. decrease mental function and performance
ii. increase fatigue
1. Refuel carbo ASAP to prepare for next session
2. Rehydrate to replace fluid and electrolyte lost through sweat, aim to replace 125%-150% of fluid deficit over 2-4 hours
3. Repair and regain damage tissue damage, prolonged and high intensity workout = breakdown muscle protein. Consume carbo and protein ASAP effective in rebuilding. Optimal 20 grams
4. Revitalise and maintain immune system which is suppressed during high intensity, consume carbo ASAP reduce disturbance to immune and illness
VITAMIN + MINERAL 1. Essential for growth, development, metabolism, deficit fatigue
2. Fat soluble (A,D,E,K) stored in body if too high  toxic
3. Water soluble (B,C) need regular supply. deficit  detrimental
4. Minerals have specific functions, they correct cell function deficit detrimental
CAFFEINE 1. Ergogenic aid, enhance performance to some capacity
2. Enhance endurance use fat source and spare glycogen – inconsistent
3. Diuretic effect and dehydration
PROTEIN 1. Important for its structural and functional role
2. Timing of intake important
3. Consume 30 grams post resistance promote training adaptation
CREATINE PRODUCTS 1. Fuel from amino acid stored in skeletal...