Online vs Traditional Education

Online vs. Traditional Education

    When making a decision to continue furthering your education, what are some factors you look for in a school? What has been stopping you from furthering your education? Does going back to school fit in your schedule? Well over the years the options for continuing education has improved, the options offer more flexibility to create balance, lesser financial expenses, alternative ways to learn and . Both methods have some similarities and some differences, but definitely have one thing in common and that’s that you are able to obtain a degree.

    Online classes are becoming a thing of the future, it helps many parents maintain balance in their lives while furthering their education. Traditional classes are still being offered, more students are just more comfortable been in a classroom setting no matter if there is balance in their lives or not. The economic downturn is driving rapid acceptance of online education, with total online enrollments growing by nearly one million students between 2008 and 2009, according to new research from the Sloan Consortium. “This represents the largest every year-to-year increase in the number of students studying online,” said Elaine Allen, co-director of the Babson Survey Research Group and professor of statistics and entrepreneurship at Babson College. “Nearly thirty percent of all college and university students now take at least one course online.” However, online classes aren’t for everyone, an individual is responsible for making time to study, getting assignments done and participating in discussions. Traditional classes don’t offer much flexibility because they have a set schedule you have to follow, so you have to balance your life around class. Some schools are also combining both methods of online and traditional education, a student can attend school once a week for class and have the rest of the week online for other classes.

    When deciding to further your education...