Nursing Synopsis

The Impact of Mr. Jones

Adjusting to an illness is often a difficult and timely process, with each person adjusting at a different rate.   It would appear Mr. Jones is in the first stage of illness, according to Chitty and Black.   Since illness is individualized to the person experiencing it, it would be reasonable to understand that through the five stages each person progresses at their own rate, some faster, some slower.   Mr. Jones appears to be stuck in the first stage because according to the scenario he had discontinued his medication several days prior to the accident.   Stage I in the stages of Illness, according to Chitty and Black, is Disbelief and Denial.   In this stage, a person often has difficulty accepting the signs and symptoms of the illness and instead uses a defense mechanism, such as denial to avoid dealing with the signs and symptoms, instead just ignoring them.   Mr. Jones is a 48 year old man with a family & is sole supporter of the family, he most likely is feeling that he is young and healthy and ignoring his blood pressure and denying its existence is easier than taking the prescribed medication and making life adjustments to feel better. Mr. Jones’ culture is that of Native American.   According to Hendrix, Native Americans history is one of intergenerational oppression, repression, anger and grief since the time when America became colonized.   Also, Native American culture typically dictates illness as disequilibrium between the physical, mental, social and spiritual person and family.   Mr. Jones’ is a member of the Baptist, which is a form of Christianity.   The basic broad philosophy of Christianity includes love of God and fellow man, goodness, compassion, forgiveness, selflessness for the community were added to Indian beliefs and did not replace them according to Hendrix, and although Mr. Jones is from the area, his elderly mother and sister live nearby, they do not live in the immediate area and familial support is from his wife and...