Level 5 Health and Social Care

6, Understanding Safeguarding of Children and Young People ( for those working in the adult sector ).




2.3 Although within my Job role as a Manager of a residential home, I do not work directly with children, but it is still my responsibility to recognise and respond to child protection situations and concerns appropriately and must be aware of policies and procedures.
A Child protection or safeguarding policy is a statement that makes it clear to staff, parents and children what the organisation or group thinks about safeguarding, and what it will do to keep children safe.
Within my Home, there is many visitors on a daily basis, grandchildren/children , if I had any concerns regarding young people, I would contact my local authority and speak to their MASH team, which is ; Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub Team. This consist of a group of professionals from childrens service.
• Health
• Education
• Police
• Probation
• Housing
• Early intervention and prevention service.
• Youth offending
I can speak to the team confidentially about any concerns or issues I have , regarding a child or young person.
Due to the death of Victoria Climbie in 2000, Lord Laming looked into making major changes in Child Protection Policies. In result Every Child Matters was launched in 2003, this covers children up to the age of 19yrs and if they have disabilities then up to 24yrs. The ECM covers five area’s
• Be Healthy
• Stay Safe
• Enjoy and Achieve
• Make a positive contribution
• Achieve economic well being
Every Child Matters agenda has been further developed through publication of the children’s plan 2007. The children’s plan is a ten year strategy to make England the best place in the world for...