Lesson 12

Explore any dilemmas or conflicts there may be when planning skills development with individuals.
In approx. 250 words analyze potential areas of conflict and suggest how these can be resolved. For example lack of funding for accessing a local college, this could be resolved by requesting a grant or benefit.
During the planning skills development, conflict can occur in number of situations. We just need to remind ourselves that our client needs to be in center of planning.   There can be possibility od conflicts with family members of individual. When individual wants bigger independency and family don’t want let him. Because they can think that is better for individual be more safe and don’t even try.
There could be disagreement from professional who can think that what client want to do is not good idea.   In that case to resolve the conflict is good to discuss and made decision in professional way.
There can be situations when individual want to take risks. He wants to do something what is dangerous and it could be harmful. Individual think that he can do anything he wants and this can cause conflict. But situation like this needs to be discuss with manager and other professionals.  
Lack of confidence from individual. Individual can feel unable and without confidence to finish certain task. Which is make him frustrated or upset about this task and they can fail from the feeling that is to hard for them. To support them in this situation we needs to be encouraging them and try raise their confidence and self believes.   This can happen in situation when individual should learn new thing or change way of doing something, which he did for long time. We need to support them thru whole process of learning. We also need to think about individual health condition, where we need to find specific ways how to work with him. There is good to cooperate with professionals and with individual`s family to find best approach.  
Because conflicts are happening we need to...