Leroy Karas

Kawanda Alexander
HN 144: Unit 9 Assignment
Kaplan University

In this paper I will be talking about a man named LeRoy Karas and the different struggles in his life. Leroy started drinking and smoking in high school and it carried on into college while he pursued his life as a football player jock his partying got worse and he ended up dropping out of college because he had a child on the way. Leroy had been married twice and had six children who he wasn’t making enough money to take care of.   Leroy was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver and still continued to drink and smoke on a daily not caring about his health. He also had a brother named Elroy that he wasn’t close to and didn’t have a relationship with, whom had a great job, wife and kids, and a pretty good life.
Referring back to LeRoy’s ecomap he faced a lot of stressful issues because of his behaviors which caused negative outcomes on his relationships with others as well as influenced his bad behaviors. Some of the strongest influences in LeRoy’s behavior were his first wife getting pregnant so he dropped out of college to support them by getting a job, but that only made his drinking and smoking worse. Rachel ended up leaving him so he had to pay child support and still be able to try to maintain his habits and things began to go more and more downhill for LeRoy. Leroy wasn’t getting paid much working as a carpenter here and there because he lost his job as a construction worker. I also feel that his brother Elroy’s success made him feel as if he wasn’t equal to him and because of his brother’s ongoing success since they were children I believe that LeRoy envied his brother because his parents were always proud of him and praising him for his accomplishments.
Leroy is now 64 years old and has health issues and still drinking and smoking on a daily. He is also in his later adult years and should be focused on trying to get healthy and maintain the rest of his years of his life. Leroy is not...