
The phenomenon of Big Data can be analyzed through the famous reading grid established in 2001 by Doug Laney Gartner - 3V: Volume, Velocity and Variety. Since the use of statistics in high-level sport to the Amazon recommendation algorithms, through the monitoring program PRISM NSA or analytical medicine, Big Data and Analytics and have built up a leading in all areas of society. In the following paragraph points will be discussed on the importance of big data, its implementation and impact on a growing company. Then we shall also see the limitation and security with the growing of technology and digital world.
What is Big Data?
Big Data, as their name suggest, are connected with data that is produced by human activity. We have corporate data and non-corporate data. In corporate data, the generation and sharing is increasingly automated, include emails, documents, databases, all historical business process (logs), and any other type of data structured, semi-structured or unstructured that the company produces and stores. Non-corporate data are composed of external databases (public or data providers), content exchanged on social networks or published online, historical navigation and search data (geo) transmitted by connected objects (RFID chips to smartphone via smart thermostats), weather data and so on. “Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.” Albert Einstein.
To what extent is the organisation adopting Business Analytics?

The purpose of big data is to learn something from by analysing this quantity of data quickly and if possible in real time. To give some examples of; 247 billion emails are sent every day (80% are spam), 80 % of the world population has a mobile phone, there are 133 million blogs on the Internet. To resume a cosmic metaphor, there is almost as much data and information in the digital universe than there are stars in our universe. What we have...