Job Training

Excerpts of Writings of the Confirmands
I want to commit my life to God. I want to make a difference in my life.
Kaylyn Burrows
Confirmation completes my baptism. I should build a stronger relationship and learn how to move like Christ.
Robin Brown
I want to be confirmed so that I can become a full member of the Pro-Cathedral of Christ the King. I have worked hard and I have come so far to this day.
Antonia Grant
…confirmation is the next step to living as a Christian. Acts 3:22-23 explains that those who do not obey God’s word will be separated from God’s people and destroyed…those who live in His will are assured of a seat in heaven… being confirmed shows a level of maturity and shows that you are ready to be God’s living tabernacle…able to handle the responsibilities that come with it.
Tone’e Griffin
Confirmation is being fully accepted into Christ and His kingdom. Confirmation is living for Christ and knowing who He is and what He is and what He wants us to do.
Stephan Griffin
Confirmation is living for Christ. To be confirmed is knowing God and following him more.
Ricardo Culmer
I should be confirmed because I can partake in the bread and wine. It also means that I am on a mature level of understanding God and His commandments. It means to be confirmed in the Lord.
Danquelle Donaldson
Confirmation is very important to me because it made me realize how I wanted to live and how I should live in order to get into heaven.
Johnise Williams
I am at the age where it is time for me to further/continue my Christian walk (with) God. It is time for me to stand up for what I believe in and confirm my faith in the Lord. Confirmation is the process of becoming an adult in our Christian walk with God.
A’Jahnea Johnson
Confirmation is to be confirmed in our faith with God. Confirmation teaches us responsibility and teaches us that we have to sacrifice for God.
Ferre Cambridge
Confirmation means to me an...