Interior Decorator

o Experience has an impact on interior decorator salary, as in most professions. Most entry-level interior decorators make $20,000 to $30,000 annually based on 2010 data from New Interior Designing. With four years of experience, pay reaches $40,000 to $45,000. Seven to eight years in the field yields a minimum of $50,000. Those who have been in the industry at least a decade may earn up to $80,000. This is consistent with 2011 data from the School of Interior Design website, which states that the range for interior decorator pay is $20,000 to $80,000.
Salaried Vs. Self-Employed Decorators
o Self-employed interior decorators make annual wages of $44,000, according to 2010 data from New Interior Designing. This is a full $14,000 more than the wages for salaried decorators. However, it can take time for self-employed interior decorators to out-earn their salaried counterparts, because self-employed interior decorators initially have to absorb the costs of starting their own business.
Pay by Region
o Pay is not consistent for interior decorators across the U.S., in part due to cost of living differences. The best state in terms of compensation is Mississippi, which pays an average yearly salary of $49,000, according to 2010 data from the Bestsampleresume website. The lowest-paying state is Louisiana, which averages $29,000.
Comparison to Designers
o Interior decorators sometimes are confused with interior designers. Interior designers are similar to decorators but also handle aspects of architecture. They therefore need more education. The Bureau of Labor Statistics doesn't provide data on interior decorators but does provide figures for designers: Based on 2009 data, the average salary for a designer is $51,990. Interior decorators tend to have higher salaries than decorators, says the Schools of Interior Design website. However, interior designers make $26,980 to $83,620 according to the BLS, which is about the same range interior decorators have.