Ilm 3 Leadership

1- Describe the factors that will influence   the choice of leadership styles or behaviours in workplace situations.

Managers are (generally) appointed, leaders are not always. The agreement to be led and managed changes when you are employed, when you are paid to do a job within a team. This change of context in important when understanding the role of different management and leadership styles.
Sometimes, you have to accept the calibre of team that the circumstances allow, whether this because of inherited staff or financial constraints, etc.

  2- Explain why these leadership styles or behaviours are likely to have a positive or negative effect on individual and group behaviour.
In the 1880’s, during the industrial revolution, businesses started to look at how they could improve their profitability and resilience. A natural part of this process included looking inward at the business and management processes, to see what efficiencies could be made with the workforce.
Taylor created the Scientific Management Theory, which was essentially the innovation of the time and motion study as we understand it today. Taylor realised that certain people did parts of a job quicker than others. By looking at these peak effeciencies, taylor was able to set benchmarks of time allocated to specific tasks. The benefit of this process was that the time taken to complete tasks was reduced. However, there were sacrifices inherent in this methodology – not least that accidents increased, and staff turnover also went up. Although there were person costs, there are aspects of this methodology that are still used to the present day.
In a development of this approach, in 1900 Adam Smith devised the Division of Labour methodology. Succinctly, this stated that within the workplace, you should get staff doing what they are best at (remember this approach is firmly rooted in the Industrial processes of the turn of the century).
Closely allied to this process is the Reward Theory,...