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Something Unique

I have always tried to differentiate myself from others. I did not really feel like going to the school and working with the children simply because my mother has a daycare, and I do not enjoy children in large numbers. I began looking elsewhere for ideas. I did not have much luck until a Sunday morning. I was sitting at St. Mary’s Catholic Church (probably daydreaming) when the answer hit me. Why not combine going to church and working with the Spanish mass? I brought the idea to professor Cynthia Wells, and she seemed to like the idea.

I set up an appointment with Fr. Erberto Costas, a tri-lingual priest at St. Mary’s Catholic Church. He thought this was a great idea; especially being able to see the cultural differences along with getting to speak with the large Mexican population. The traditional Catholic Church has a greeter when walking into church to open the door and pleasantly greet the people coming into church. Fr. Erberto asked me to start the tradition at the Spanish Mass.

Going to Mass

The Spanish mass at St. Mary’s starts at noon on Sundays. I arrived at 11:45 to begin my first greeting session. I walked into church finding the choir warming up and practicing. I waited and waited for people to arrive to church. A few early birds came, but not very many. Thinking this was a small congregation, I found out my first lesson about Spanish culture: They are laid back and never really early for events to start.
The people started coming into church. I casually greeted them with a smile and “Hola! Como está usted?” Most would give a sincere reply back in Spanish while others would smile and nod. It was quite interesting the wide variety of replies I would get. There are a wide range of people I would meet. Some were very old and others could barely walk. Some people could speak in both English and Spanish, others can only speak Spanish. After everyone was finished going into church, I closed the doors and headed into...