Health and Social Care Level 5 Unit 517

Unit 517 lead person centred practice

2.1 The foundations of person centred work is upholding the individuals values, attitudes, dignity, respect, choice, control and inclusion. On a daily basis i help others to work with individuals to establish their beliefs. A service user wished to get in touch with a family member from Leeds, which they haven't had contact with for numerous years. I advised the individuals key-worker to telephone Leeds social services to determine if there is any chance of contact. Leeds social services advised the service user to write a letter to the family member to initiate contact. The service user was extremely happy with this result as they have been trying to make contact with this family member for a while. Another service user expressed a wish to attend the Mormon church in Beverley. I asked the staff team if anybody would be interested in assisting the service user.A member of staff said they would be very interested in assisting the service user. A taxi is booked to take them every sunday.

2.2   In order for me to support others implementing person centred practice on a daily basis, i have ensured that all staff complete person centred training. I ensure the staff team are skilled,knowledgeable,enthusiastic and are good communicators as these are all needed to carry out person centred practice. I also ensure that both service users and the staff team has mutual respect and trust. I delegated key workers to sit down with their service user to ensure they have full control, and complete service user person centred care plans, this went down extremely well and i felt this gave a great example to the staff team of what person centred care is. I use person centred values on a daily basis as i am an extremely empathic and accepting person, i feel this sets the right impression for the staff team.

2.3 I support staff in reviewing service user person centre care plans. During the last staff meeting i trained the staff team on...