Health and Socal Care

Outcomes Based Practice – Underpinning Theories and Principles If the emphasis that the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has placed on the importance of outcomes is anything to go by,   providers of care and support services in today’s care environment may imperil themselves if they do not work to achieve and demonstrate desirable outcomes with and for the people they support in whatever capacity.

This much is evident in the way that the CQC in its publication (Guidance about compliance - Essential Standards of Quality and Safety, 2010) highlights what the expected outcomes are to be. And identifies the specific regulations that would lead to meeting the outcome, It is very clear that outcomes are very important What is perhaps not so clear is determining what outcomes are. Many professionals especially frontline staff who deliver the specific intervention that is supposed to demonstrate the achievement of desired outcomes do not appear to be to clear as to what this means or what is required of them. Although many care workers do regularly deliver support that is working   towards achieving outcomes, and although they regularly achieve the outcomes of their input into the lives of the people they support, ask   a care worker to demonstrate the outcomes they have helped a person achieve, and they seem to think that they are expected to be   tested or something searching for ‘professional’ sounding words and phrases in the attempt. so that care professionals are clear about what it is that they do and how those things that they do, if they do them well, inevitably result in an outcome.