Halth and Social Care



1.1 .Identify the different reasons people communicate.
By communication people express different needs, share ideas, express feelings, share opinions   , share   experience, ask questions ,socialize, give encouragement and understand other people problems and needs.
1.2 .Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of working in adult and social care settings.
Individuals communicate to express their needs and preferences and to ensure they are met. As a carer I discuss the options and the choices available to the individual to allow them and informed choice regards to their care.

1.3. Explain why it is important to observe an individual’s reactions when communicating with them.
The communication it is very important in care and is vital for a carer to know if the individual receive the right information. In face to face communication the person listening may not always indicate verbally if they have understood or agree. Observing body language helps the speaker if the other person understood or agrees. Observation helps understand the effectiveness of communication. Body language is instinctive and more reliable then verbal communication in many cases.

2.1. Explain why it is important to find out an individual’s communication and language needs, wishes and preferences.
It is important to find out as otherwise the individual will not receive the information or care that they need. You have to know how well you are being understood - so that you know they understand what is going on, what their treatment is, etc. Failure to do this would mean the individual was excluded from their care plan, became confused, angry and feeling rejected. By understanding the individual’s needs you can offer him a better treatment.

2.2 Describe a range of communication methods.
Verbal communication is the sharing of information between individuals by using speech....