
Benefits     1

Stacie Suttles
Axia of University of Phoenix

Benefits     2
    The times of communication are changing within the work force that we have now. We are faced with more complications and deviations than once were in a simpiler world. The lines of communication cannot under any circumstance have any gaps; to be filled with useless information or faulty resolutions. It is more apparent everyday that having an educated person to deal with the lines of communication within a company is prudent for survival. With the proposal to reimburse an employee who is seeking this professional level is very beneficial to our company.
    If our company has members that are looking to further their education; then this would be a perfect opportunity to get an individual that knows the company to proceed in the communication aspect of our field of expertise. This would enable   us to close the gap within different departments that have communication problems. Having a set person to worry with the problems that communication can endure is the best way to solve all of the issues that our company may have. This communications person could also be the one to do all of the training information for our company. This person can also hold different types of seminars for our company on different communication issues; such as, harassment, bulling at work, co-worker issues, etc. Our company may even want to consider hiring an outside source to come in as they are going through the communication in business program. This internship would create a non-bias person to be trained the way we would want to mold our communication department. This advantage would help us to start fresh on the program and set an example for other members within the company now.

Benefits     3
    With the new need for communications in our company; there is also a new trend that is rising that we need to be a part of. The world used to be in cubicles and brainstorming with the...