E108 Tma01

TMA 01
  a) Scott and Jean are trying to relax the group by starting the session off with some icebreakers. Firstly they are trying to relax everyone and make everyone feel part of the group and also to ensure that everyone introduces themselves in case people are unsure of who the other group members are. Although the ice breakers are fun and informal they are also a great way to get the young people to use many skills from the beginning. They are encouraged to use many skills including their concentration and listening skills and it also helps build their confidence and self-esteem. The blue sky thinking task was a good way for the young people to look at their own strengths which is also confidence building and also looking at barriers and challenges to participation for example lack of confidence. It is also a good way of looking at fears as a positive learning opportunity from others as some people may feel the same. Scott and Jean are also trying from an early stage to build positive relationships within the group and bring the young people closer to each other and also encourage the group to respect each other’s thoughts, feelings and opinions. It is important that positive relationships are formed in the group not only within the young people but also with the staff members to. This is important as many young people do not have good experiences of adult relationships and may be reluctant to trust people. Youth workers act as a role model so young people can learn and develop skills such as: caring and being cared for, building relationships that are open, honest and based as trust. (G. Ingram and J.Harris, 2013, p.72) (Audio theme 4; LGBT Youth Scotland)

  b) Informal education is a learning opportunity which is approached in a different way from formal education which is typically done in a classroom setting or college/university. Informal education is a fun and more relaxed way to learn and the young people often don’t realise they are actually...