E100 Ema

EMA - Professional Learning: Reflecting and Planning
For this assignment I have only used material drawn from the setting identified on my employer Permission Agreement Form. I have adhered to ethical guidelines published by the British Educational Research Association (BERA, 2011) by changing all names and obtaining informed consent from parents.   I have ensured children were happy for me to observe them to gain their assent.
The pre-school I work in is in the private, voluntary and independent (PVI) sector, which has a parent run committee.   I am the manager and have been with the pre-school for 9 years, previously as a key person and deputy.   Within my varied role I am the SENCO for the setting and the designated child protection officer, “leaders may suffer from role overload” (Handy, 1999) reader 1, chapter 1, page 12.  
I have a responsibility to embed positive relationships within the team, where the setting ethos is at the heart of our provision.   “I am responsible to the team and have responsibility for the team” (Reader 1, chapter 1, page 15).
The setting is open during term time 8:45 – 3:15 pm and we are situated on the grounds of a primary school.   Children come from a wide catchment area and we support a number of children with English as an additional language.   We offer sessional care and full day care.   The setting employs seven members of staff and a maximum of 26 children attend per session.   The setting receives the free entitlement funding for 3 & 4 year olds and more recently eligible 2 year olds and works in line with the Revised Early Years Foundation Stage 2012.
For this assignment I have chosen to look at a cross curricular theme, Pre-school’s Got Talent.   I will evaluate my learning and its impact on provision in my setting and how the cross curricular theme meets the needs of the children and supports their interests and development as learners.   I will demonstrate how my thinking and practise has developed since...