Disovery Essay

The process of discovery involves uncovering what is hidden and reconsidering what is known.
How is this perspective on discovery explored in The Tempest and one related text?

The concept of discovery can entail a myriad of experiences which may include uncovering previously concealed knowledge or can prompt re-evaluations of elements already known through a re-awakening. This is apparent in both Shakespeare’s The Tempest and Henley’s ‘Invictus’.   Through Prospero, initially a vengeful persona due to being stripped of his ducal responsibilities and subsequent exile, the realization and unearthing of aspects of the human condition of love and loyalty is explicitly represented by Shakespeare. Similarly the bringing to the surface of Henley’s personal traits of perseverance, strength and courageousness, mirrors notions of discovery in relation to uncovering what is hidden is apparent. Also, reconsiderations of previously established discoveries are coherently indicated both through Prospero’s reconnection and his new flourishing desire to return to Milan and the reaffirmation of Henley’s will to survive as a result of his ailment.

The Tempest, explores the need for liberation and the redemptive power of forgiveness and reconciliation in the face of man’s inhumanity towards man. This is apparent through the male protagonist Prospero. In the opening scene, Prospero conjures a storm, with the assistance of Ariel, a magical being, bringing forth to the island those who have wronged him, “Hast thou, spirit, performed to point the tempest that I bade thee? To every article.” Prospero is both vengeful and retributive, “Let them be hunted soundly, at this hour lies at my mercy all mine enemies.” However, as the play progresses and through his exposure to the love and subsequent marriage between his daughter Miranda and his enemy’s son Ferdinand, Prospero is both enlightened and made aware of aspects of the human condition of loyalty and love, previously concealed from...