Developing the Perfect Position

Developing the Perfect Position

As a veteran employee who is appreciated by the organization, has been presented with a unique opportunity to determine the perfect position that best fits my leadership style.   This is a chance of a lifetime to define a role that highlights my strengths and skills as an effective leader.   Developing a personal leadership style comes with its own set of challenges.   Through a series of assessments, I will be able to determine what style of leadership best suits my character.
Leadership is the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and how to do it, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives (Yukl, 2006).
By taking several assessments, it made me aware of my leadership and behavioral style.   Based on the results from the assessments, I am very close to being a balanced leader.   The best leaders are ones that can balance their task/people orientation to various situations (DISC Assessment, 2010).
Completing the DISC (Dominance, Interactive, Steadiness, and Cautious) Platinum Rule Behavioral Style Assessments provides me the tools to be successful.   These assessments focus on goals instead of fears.   DISC teaches one how to develop and use more of our natural strengths, while recognizing, improving upon, and modifying my limitations (DISC Assessment, 2010).   DISC concentrates on my natural tendencies that influence my behavior.   In the DISC assessment, I am considered to be the style of Steadiness.   The Steadiness styles are warm, supportive, and nurturing individuals. Out of the four styles, Steadiness is considered the most people oriented.
Within the four primary behavioral styles there are 16 substyles. I scored an Sd.   Sd is predominantly a Steadiness Style or another name would be The Go-Getter.   The style of Sd is somewhat indirect naturally but can be very direct in situations that are tasked focused (DISC Assessment,...