Cypop Task 1

Assessment task one

Legislations in place for a home based childcare setting:

There are many legislations, and I will commit to keep you updated in the current laws, rules and legislations, there are many others in place and I am happy to discuss these further if you need any more information, here are some of the ones I feel are most relevant at the moment…

The children's act 1989
This was the first acknowledgement in uk law of children's rights, summed up by the phrase " the needs of the child are paramount"

The Children Act of 2004
Arose from the green paper "every child matters" and identifies five key outcomes for the children
be healthy
stay safe
enjoy and achieve
make a positive contribution
achieve economic well-being

Data protection act 1998
This act prevents confidential and personal information being passed on without a persons consent. In the case of children I would need the consent of the parent.

Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences (RIDDOR) 1995
This policy specifies certain accidents and incidents that must be by law reported.

Sex discrimination act 1975
This ensures all individuals are not discriminated against on the grounds of their sex.

Regulatory Body: Ofsted

In England all home based childcare providers must be registered with Ofsted before we can care for other children in our homes. Ofsted sets standards and procedures that all childminders need to meet in order to be registered. There are four different roles of the regulatory body these are:

This covers checks on the adults who live at the property that the childcare will take place, and also on the premises.
Once registered ofsted inspectors carry out checks on the service provided, they produce a report that is published online and is made available to parents.
If Ofsted receives a complaint or concern an inspector may carry out an investigation into the level of care and...